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Title:Constitutive model of Cu-Sn alloy based on friction and temperature rise correction
Authors: Yu Yiwen Cai Jun Li Chongchong Li Qingyang Li Yang Qiang Fengming 
Unit: National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Functional Materials Processing College of Metallurgical Engineering  Xi′an University of Architecture and Technology 
KeyWords: Cu-Sn alloy  hot compression  high temperature deformation  Johnson-Cook constructive model  friction correction 

 The hot compression tests for Cu-Sn alloy in the condition of the deformation temperature of 823-973 K and the strain rate of 0.001-10 s-1 were carried out by thermal simulation tester Gleeble-3800. Then, considering the bulging phenomenon caused by friction and the influence of friction heat and deformation heat, the test results were modified, and the modified Johnson-Cook constitutive model for the material was established. The results show that the flow stress of Cu-Sn alloy is sensitive to strain rate and deformation temperature and the stress-strain curve shows the characteristics of dynamic recrystallization curve. The accuracy of the modified Johnson-Cook constitutive model is verified, and the values of correlation coefficient R and average absolute relative error AARE between the predicted value calculated by the modified Johnson-Cook constitutive model and the test value are 0.9848 and 7.936%, respectively, indicating that the constructed model can accurately predict the change of flow stress for Cu-Sn alloy.

作者简介:鱼祎雯(2001-),女,硕士研究生 E-mail:1273122940@qq.com 通信作者:强凤鸣(1992-),女,博士,讲师 E-mail:qiangfengming@126.com

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