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Title:Hot deformation behavior and hot processing map on 304 stainless steel
Authors: Zhang Zhihong1 Liu Jie1 2 
Unit: 1.School of Intelligent Engineering  Jinzhong College of Information  2.School of Materials Science and Engineering  Taiyuan University of Science and Technology 
KeyWords: 304 stainless steel  hot compression  true stress-true strain curve  constitutive model  hot processing map 

 The hot compression test of 304 stainless steel was carried out by Gleeble-3800 testing machine under the deformation temperature of 900-1200 and the strain rate of 0.01-1 s-1, and it was quickly water-cooled after the hot compression test. The analysis results of the true stress-true strain curve for 304 stainless steel shows that the types of true stress-true strain curves include dynamic recovery+dynamic recrystallization curve and dynamic recrystallization curve, and the flow stress decreases with the increasing of deformation temperature and the decreasing of strain rate. A strain-compensated Arrhenius constitutive model is constructed based on the true stress-true strain data, with the correlation coefficient of 0.9932 and the relative error of 6.849%. In addition, based on the true stress-true strain data, power dissipation factor η and the instability parameter ξ(ε·)of each strain rate at different temperatures are determined, and then the hot processing map of 304 stainless steel is constructed. According to the hot processing map, the optimal processing range for 304 stainless steel is the temperature of 940-1200 and the strain rate of 0.01-1 s-1.

作者简介:张志红(1985-),女,硕士,副教授 E-mail:574055042@qq.com


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