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Title:Effect of grain refinement on dynamic strain aging behavior for Fe-Mn-C twinning-induced plasticity steel
Authors: Wang Wei1  Liu Shuai2  Sun Weijie2  Huang Jiulong2  Li Dongdong2 
Unit: 1. Luannan Vocational Education Center  Basic Department  2. College of Metallurgy and Energy  North China University and Technology 
KeyWords: high manganese steel twinning-induced plasticity steel  grain size serrated rheology Portevin-Le Chátelier effect 

 The influences of grain refinement on the tensile properties, serrated rheology and PLC band evolution of Fe-16Mn-0.6C steel were investigated by uniaxial tensile experiments at room temperature, combining with digital image correlation (DIC), metallographic observation, X-ray diffraction (XRD) and other detection methods. The results indicate that with the decreasing of grain size, the yield strength and tensile strength of Fe-16Mn-0.6C steel are increased, and the work hardening value is increased. Grain refinement significantly increases the serration amplitude of dynamic strain aging (DSA), resulting in stronger dynamic strain aging behavior in fine-grained steel. Using DIC, it′s observed that the strain concentration of PLC bands in fine-grained steel is higher, but the moving rate of PLC bands is lower than that in coarse-grained steel at the same strain. Through XRD analysis, it′s found that the grain refinement promotes dislocation proliferation and the high-density dislocation structure is obtained, which may be the main reason for its stronger phenomenon of dynamic strain aging and work hardening ability.

作者简介:王伟(1973-),男,学士,高级讲师 E-mail:476106582@qq.com 通信作者:刘帅(1988-),男,博士,副教授 E-mail:sliu_ysu@163.com

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