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Title:Cause analysis and improvement of higher yield strength for 980 MPa dual-phase steel
Authors: Li Runchang1  Zhang Huanyu1  Zhang Tianyue1  Qiu Musheng2  Zhu Hao3 
Unit: 1. Manufacturing Department  Shougang Jingtang Iron and Steel Co.  Ltd.   2. Shougang Research Institute of Technology  3. SAIC Motor Passenger Vehicle Co.  Ltd.  
KeyWords: hot-dip galvanizing  dual-phase steel  yield strength  martensite  heating rate 

 To solve the problem of abnormally high yield strength in 980 MPa dual-phase steel produced by a hot-dip galvanizing production line, the influences of different heating rates on the microstructure and properties were studied by spectral analyzer, scanning electron microscope, tensile testing machine and other methods. The results show that the addition of Nb and Ti indirectly changes the strengthening mode of the phase transformation structure. Nb+Ti content in the steel coil with higher yield strength is  0.01% higher than that of normal steel coil, and the heating rate is also 0.5 ℃·s-1 higher than that of normal steel coil. The increasing of heating rate leads to an increase in the degree of austenitization in the steel plate, and more martensitic structure is formed during the cooling process. The proportion of martensitic structure in the matrix is increased by about 5% compared to normal steel coil, resulting in an increasing of about 100 MPa in yield strength. By controlling the content of Nb+Ti added to the steel coil and limiting the heating rate, the heating rate is reduced from 2.0 ℃·s-1 to 1.5 ℃·s-1, and the proportion of martensitic structure in the matrix is reduced from around 24% to 19%. As a result, the yield strength for a large number of 980 MPa dual-phase steel coils reaches the expected range of 700-850 MPa.

作者简介:李润昌(1991-),男,硕士,副高级工程师 E-mail:lirunchang12138@163.com 通信作者:张环宇(1987-),男,学士,工程师 E-mail:15832551840@163.com

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