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Title:Prediction and correction calculation method on transient temperature field based on numerical manifold
Authors: He Weijian1 Zhang Zhengrong1 2 
Unit: 1.School of Materials and Energy  Guangdong University of Technology 2. Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Metal Forming Processing and Forging Equipment Technology 
KeyWords: numerical manifold  temperature field  golden section ratio  prediction  correction correction factoor 

 A transient temperature field calculation method based on numerical manifolds was proposed, and the discrete format of numerical manifold for transient temperature field was deduced. Then, the first prediction step of each time step was calculated by the interpolation method, and based on the first prediction step of each time step, the prediction step was corrected by adding the golden section ratio preference method and the correction factor. Furthermore, the selection of different correction factors and the judgement basis of change were discussed, and the influences of different methods on the calculation correction rate were compared. The results show that the interpolation method can speed up the prediction of temperature field, and the superiority of the golden section coefficient is proved by the calculation of different correction factor coefficients. The judgement basis of the change in correction factors is based on the fact that the correction rate is faster and more stable when using relative values than that when using absolute values, and the correction process is less prone to oscillation and fluctuation phenomenon. Finally, for metal upsetting, the calculation result and the prediction result obtained by finite element software Deform are compared to illustrate the feasibility and accuracy of the prediction and correction method.

作者简介:何伟健(1998-)男,硕士研究生 E-mail:2112102110@mail2.gdut.edu.cn 通信作者:章争荣(1969-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:zzr@gdut.edu.com

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