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Title:Discussion on mechanical drawing in scientific paper of metal plastic forming
Authors: Zhang Ruhua1 2 Li Xiangxiang1 Xiang Zhongke1 Cao Chuanliang2 Xu Zhongbin3 Wan Yuling4 
Unit: 1. School of Artificial Intelligence  Jiangxi University of Technology   2. School of Advanced Manufacturing  Nanchang University   3. Ruichang Renmin Stamping Co.  Ltd.   4. Jingdezhen Mingxing Aviation Forging Co.  Ltd. 
KeyWords: mechanical drawing  plastic forming  view  drawing format drawing specification 

 In order to make mechanical drawings better serve the scientific paper theme in the field of metal plastic forming and enhance the quality of the paper, the role and characteristics of mechanical drawings within the paper were elaborated, and several examples of moderately complex mechanical drawings of paper were selected, including forging/stamping part drawings and deformation step drawings (process drawings) of forging/stamping part, as well as process equipment (dies, equipment, etc.) structure and action principle drawings. The topics involved included the adjustment of view direction and view configuration, the correct use of sectional views and cross-sectional views, line patterns, dimension annotations, text in the drawings, the rational utilization of simplification, omission, merging, compact layout and other methods to reduce the size of the drawings, as well as appropriate attention being paid to aesthetics and so forth. According to the national standards and relevant practical work experience, for the flaws and errors existing in the corresponding place of each example, the recommended modification points and brief description were given. In addition to the author′s attention, it was suggested to add a dedicated review section during the review stage.

作者简介:张如华(1958-),男,硕士,教授 E-mail:zhangruhua@ncu.edu.cn 通信作者:李湘湘(1994-),女,硕士,助教 E-mail:1473719880@qq.com

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