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Title:Lubrication optimization on die forging for complex force transferring structural parts of TA15 titanium alloy
Authors: Xie Yang1  Shi Shenglong1  Yan Guohua2  Chen Zhimin1  Dang Shang1  Yu Hongquan1  
Unit: (1.Forging Workshop  Xi′an Space Engine Co. Ltd.  Xi′an 710100  China   2.Technology Center  Hunan INNOCHINA Advanced Materials Co.  Ltd.  Yueyang 414000  China) 
KeyWords: TA15 titanium alloy die forging structural component organizational uniformity lubrication condition 

 For the issue of organizational uniformity of TA15 titanium alloy complex force transmission structural components for a certain type of aerospace engine frame was studied, and based on numerical simulation software Deform-3D, the forging scheme was analyzed. And the contact conditions and lubrication of the forging process were optimized, finally a small batch production was verified. The results show that in the final stage of forming, the low temperature at the end face causes a sudden increase in load, resulting in a large temperature difference between the inside and outside of forgings, and the equipment pressure cannot meet the requirements. After optimization, the metal deformation is reasonable, the forgings are filled completely, the distribution of temperature field and equivalent strain field is improved, the forging load is reduced, the microstructure of forgings is uniform, and the mechanical properties are excellent, which improves the service reliability of the engine in complex environments.

作者简介:解洋(1989-),男,硕士,高级工程师 E-mail:xieyang19890403@126.com 通信作者:石胜龙(1994-),男,硕士,工程师 E-mail:785273375@qq.com

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