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Title:Influence of process parameters on mechanical performance for highstrength aluminum alloy panel
Authors: Zhu Dengjie1 Bian Meihua2 Zhang Zhiqiang1 Li Junhua2 Huang Zenghao1 Peng Jianing2 
Unit: (1. Research Institute of China Southern Power Grid Co. Ltd. Guangzhou 510000 China 2.Electric Power Science Research   Institute of Guangxi Power Grid Co. Ltd. Nanning 530023 China) 
KeyWords: particle reinforcement  high-strength aluminum alloy  forging process impact energy  solution temperature aging temperature 

 Aiming at the shortcomings of existing aluminum alloy materials and cast iron materials, a high-strength 6-series aluminum alloy material was designed by using particle reinforcement technology. Then, through orthogonal experiment, the influence laws of three process parameters, namely, impact energy, solution temperature and aging temperature, on the mechanical properties of high-strength aluminum alloy panel during forging process were studied, and the range analysis was conducted by two indicators of tensile strength and tensile breaking force. The results show that the influence degrees of solution temperature and aging temperature on the mechanical properties are much greater than that of impact energy. The optimal process parameters for tensile breaking force are the impact energy of 20 kJ, the solution temperature of 535 ℃, and the aging temperature of 165 ℃. The optimal parameters for tensile strength are the impact energy of 25 kJ, the solid solution temperature of 545 ℃, and the aging temperature of 175 ℃. With the increasing of solid solution temperature, the tensile strength of high-strength aluminum alloy panel increases significantly, and the tensile breaking force first increases significantly and then changes insignificantly. As the aging temperature increases, the tensile breaking force and tensile strength of high-strength aluminum alloy panel both decrease.

作者简介:朱登杰(1987-),男,硕士,高级工程师 E-mail:zhudj@csg.cn

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