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Title:Discussion on quality evaluation of hot forming products and its application in practice
Authors: Li Wei1 Zhou Liming2 
Unit: (School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Jilin University  Changchun 130025 China) 
KeyWords: hot forming  quality evaluation  test equipment  test method  orthogonal test 

 The purpose and significance of quality research on hot forming products were introduced, and the methods of quality evaluation, selection of test equipment, testing methods, quality test and control process, and analysis of test results for hot forming products were elaborated in detail. At the same time, the best process parameters combination was obtained by the analysis of orthogonal test. Then, through the actual production and quality testing of hot forming products, the hot forming products with appearance quality, size accuracy and strength performance meeting the requirements of the product design were finally obtained. Furthermore, the research on the quality of hot forming products provides a strong theoretical design basis and practical production reference for the product design, process design, springback compensation, simulation analysis, die design, tooling development, equipment planning, practical production and quality control.

作者简介:李伟(1979-),男,硕士,正高级工程师 E-mail:liwei@zybody.com.cn 通信作者:周立明(1982-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:lmzhou@jlu.edu.cn





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