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Title:Bulging deformation behavior of GH3536 sheet in electricpulse triggered energetic-material forming
Authors: Liu Longyu 1  Li Haohua 1  Han Siyu 1  Xie Xueyun 1  Lin Junfeng 1 2  Yu Haiping 1 2 3 
Unit: (1. School of Materials Science and Engineering  Harbin Institute of Technology  Harbin 150001  China  2. National Key Laboratory of Precision Hot Processing of Metal  Harbin Institute of Technology  Harbin 150001  China  3. Suzhou Research Institute of HIT  Suzhou 215104  China) 
KeyWords: electro-hydraulic forming  energetic-material  super alloy GH3536  high strain rate deformation dynamic deformation behavior 

 Addressing the issue of difficulty forming for super alloy GH3536  sheet at room temperature, the electric-pulse triggered energetic-material forming (ETEF) process was used to investigate the bulging deformation behavior of super alloy GH3536 sheet under this process.Firstly,the strain rate sensitivity and J-C model of super alloy GH3536 were determined through quasi-static tensile and dynamic tensile experiments. At high strain rate, its tensile strength and elongation were significantly improved. Secondly,the ETEF experiment of different masses of energetic materials and the electro-hydraulic forming (EHF) experiment were carried out. At the same bulging height, the strain concentration zone of ETEF specimens is significantly widened compared to EHF specimens, with a decrease in maximum principal strain and a decrease in thinning rate. Finally, with the help of ANSYS/LS-DYNA software and J-C model, an ETEF numerical model of super alloy GH3536 sheet was established. The simulation results show that the sheet reaches the maximum deformation in the rounded corner area before the center area, and the velocity along the Y-direction (vertical direction) increases again during the deformation process, which increases the time of high-speed deformation for the sheet. It has been proven that ETEF has a “pressure holding” effect, and the equivalent plastic strain cloud map is circular, resulting in more uniform deformation of the sheet metal.

作者简介:刘龙雨(2000-),男,硕士研究生 E-mail:18853762790@163.com 通信作者:于海平(1972-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:haipingy@hit.edu.cn

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