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Title:Forming risk prevention of two-in-one die forming for internal and external plates of automotive panel
Authors: Cao Biao Qiao Xiaoyong Shen Danfeng Qin Ce Li Kaiwen 
Unit: (Technology Department Centre Saic-GM-Wuling Automobile Co.  Ltd. Liuzhou 545007 China) 
KeyWords: automotive cover part  two-in-one die development  unequal thickness deep drawing  forming force deviation  torque balance 
ClassificationCode:TG385. 2

 Abstract:  The development of automotive panel through two-in-one die forming can significantly improve production efficiency, reduce mold development costs and production costs. Therefore, for the inner and outer plates of automotive door with large differences in drawing depth, the relative positions and force states between blank and punch & die in three stages such as before drawing, drawing process, and drawing to the bottom were analyzed. Then, two potential risks in the drawing process were proposed, One risk was that for the part with shallow drawing depth, the plate would collapse due to its own weight, which affected the positioning stability, and the other risk was that when the inner and outer plates were arranged symmetrically according to center of machine, there was a large deviation between the actual maximum forming force of part and the theoretical value, resulting in insufficient forming of the part. And the corresponding preventive and control measures were provided. The collapse of sheet metal was prevented by adding a material support mechanism in the punch with shallow drawing depth, and by adjusting the relative position between the process center of part and the center of machine worktable to reduce the deviation between the actual and theoretical forming force values and meet the requirement of allowable unbalance load of the machine. After verification, the results show that the problems of sheet metal collapse and forming force deviation are effectively controlled, achieving satisfactory results and providing reference for two-in-one die development.

作者简介:曹彪(1985-) 男,学士,高级工程师 E-mail:caobiao0408301@126.com 通信作者:乔晓勇(1981-) 男,博士,高级工程师 E-mail:byond8848@126.com



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