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Title:Forming limit of middle flange upsetting and pressing for automotive aluminum alloy pipe
Authors: Zhang Yanqing1  Cheng Zhiyuan2 Lyu Haifeng3 
Unit: (1.Jinxi Axle Co.  Ltd.  Taiyuan 030051  China  2.Codan Lingyun Automotive Rubber Hose Co. Ltd.  Zhuozhou 072750 China    3.Mechanical Engineering Institute  North University of China  Taiyuan 030051  China) 
KeyWords: flange upsetting and pressing  expanding diameter  necking  pipe forming 

 Abstract:  In order to improve the defects such as instability and deformation that were prone to occur during the upsetting and pressing process of large-area flanges in aluminum alloy pipe blanks, and thus achieve the goal of increasing production efficiency, firstly, the upsetting and pressing process of the middle flanges for automotive aluminum alloy pipelines was analyzed theoretically, and the key factors affecting the forming limit of the flange were obtained. Then, the influences of pipe diameter, wall thickness and mold speed on the forming limit were analyzed by Deform-2D/3D software, and the relationship curves of the free end height of upsetting and pressing with the pipe diameter, wall thickness and mold speed were obtained. Finally, based on this, a composite forming process of expanding diameter-necking-upsetting and pressing of flanges was proposed, and a working platform was established on the EF30-4 pipe end processing machine for the trial production of flanges. The results show that this process can enhance the forming limit and increase the flange forming area, which provides the reference for the future flange pipeline design.

作者简介:张晏晴(1998-),男,硕士研究生 E-mail:1134657603@qq.com 通信作者:吕海峰(1981-), 男, 博士,副教授 E-mail:lvhaifeng@nuc.edu.cn



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