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Title:Generation mechanism of buckling defects during coiling process for thin strip steel
Authors: Wang Zhiqiang1 Wang Xingdong1 Wu Zongwu1 Xia Jiangtao2 Li Youhua3 
Unit: (1.School of Mechanical Automation  Wuhan University of Science and Technology  Wuhan 430081  China   2.Technology Center  Wuhan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.  Wuhan 430080  China   3.Wuhan Iron & Steel Co.  Ltd.  Wuhan 430080  China) 
KeyWords: strip steel  coiling  initial plate shape  buckling coefficient transverse buckling 

 Abstract: For the transverse buckling defect problems in the coiling process of thin strip steel, the dynamic simulation model of the strip coiling process was designed by finite element analysis software ABAQUS, and the coordinates of each node of strip steel in the INP file were modified to obtain the different initial plate shapes. 

The influence laws of initial plate shape, colling tension and the thickness of strip steel on the transverse buckring defect were analyzed. 
The results show that when the thickness of the strip steel is less than 0.2 mm, reducing the coiling tension can improve the transverse buckling defects of the strip steel with the initial plate shape of the quarter wave, composite wave and medium-wave. When the thickness of the strip steel is 0.2 mm, the strip steel with the initial plate shape of the medium wave is the least prone to produce transverse buckling when the coiling tension is 25 MPa, and the transverse buckling is increased by decreasing and increasing the coiling tension. When the coiling tension is constant, the buckling coefficient of each initial strip steel decreases with increasing of thickness, that is, increasing the thickness reduces transverse buckling. The strip steel with double-sided wavy remains at a relatively low level under different tensions and thicknesses, and no transverse buckling defects were found.
作者简介:王志强(1997-),男,硕士研究生 E-mail:2439622718@qq.com 通信作者:吴宗武(1987-),男,硕士,讲师 E-mail:421123a012n.cdb@sina.cn



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