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Title:Effect of cold rolling deformation on microstructure and mechanical properties of Al-6.5Si-0.8Ti-xSi alloy for turbineimpeller blades
Authors: Fan Jianhua1  Xu Yanping2  Han Junzhao3  Li Ming4 
Unit: (1. Department of Equipment Engineering  Henan Polytechnic of Architecture  Zhengzhou 450064  China    2. Department of Mechanical Engineering  Henan Economic and Trade Technician College  Xinxiang 453000  China  3. Zhejiang Tiangong Engineering Design Co. Ltd. Hangzhou 310002 China   4. School of Mechanical Engineering  Henan University of Science and Technology  Zhengzhou 446000  China) 
KeyWords: Al-Si-Ti alloy  cold rolling  microalloying  microstructure  mechanical property 

  The room temperature tensile test of Al-6.5Si-0.8Ti alloy for turbomachine blade was conducted and characterized to study the influence laws of  different cold rolling deformation amounts and addition of Si on the microstructure evolution and mechanical properties. The results show that a large number of network distribution patterns are formed in the matrix of alloy. After heat treatment of 550 ℃+1 h, no white primary phase is observed, and the solid solution primary phase is redissolved for fusion with the matrix. The rardness of Al-6.5Si-0.8Ti alloy is 90 HV, while the alloy specimen adding Si element has a higher hardness and the precipitation speed increases significantly. The addition of Si element achieves the significant refinement effect, and the strengthening effect is obtained through the matrix dislocation and precipitated phases.  After continuous annealing, high density dislocations are formed in the matrix, resulting in the subgrains with a particle size close to Φ150 nm. The research is helpful to improve the forming quality of aluminum alloy and provide reference for subsequent process optimization.

作者简介:范建华(1981-),女,硕士,讲师 E-mail:fanjianhua0819@163.com

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