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Title:Optimization on installation process parameters for blind rivet based on genetic algorithm
Authors: He Biao Mo Ningning Feng Zhiguo 
Unit: (College of Mechanical Engineering  Guizhou University  Guiyang 550025  China) 
KeyWords: TA1 titanium alloy  thin-walled rivet  bulge  genetic algorithm  blind rivet 

 In order to improve the forming quality of TA1 titanium alloy thin-walled rivet bulge, the installation process parameters of blind rivets were optimized by response surface method and genetic algorithm algorithms, and the influences of interlayer thickness H, core rod stroke S, interlayer aperture D and core rod speed V on bulge diameter L and core rod tensile force F were analyzed by Box-Behnken design method. Then, the regression models were established to predict the bulge diameter L and the core rod tensile force F were analyzed. Furthermore, the compression parameters of TA1 titanium alloy thin-walled rivet bulge were optimized by genetic algorithm with the optimization goal of minimizing the core rod tensile force, while ensuring that the bulge diameter was not less than 6 mm. The results show that the interlayer thickness H has the most significant effect on the bugle diameter L, followed by the core rod stroke S and the interlayer aperture D, while the core rod speed V is not significant. The four factors have the significant influences on the core rod tensile force F. The optimal parameters of H=4 mm, S=2.9 mm, D=4.22 mm, and V=5 mm·s-1  for the forming quality of TA1 titanium alloy thin-walled rivet bulge are obtained. The numerical simulation results obtained by DEFORM-3D also confirm that the optimized process parameters combination ensures the bulging quality.

基金项目:贵州省优秀青年人才项目(黔科合平台人才[2021]5617号);贵阳市科技人才培养项目(筑科合同[2021] 43-1号);贵州省科技支撑项目(黔科合支撑[2023]一般308);贵大人字合基字(2022)09号
作者简介:何彪(1977-),男,硕士,讲师 E-mail:458500012@qq.com 通信作者:冯治国(1978-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:zgfeng@gzu.edu.cn

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