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Title:Carbon footprint accounting of steel forgings product based on life cycle
Authors: Yang Guanglin 
Unit: (Xinzhou Comprehensive Inspection and Testing Center  Xinzhou 034000  China) 
KeyWords: life cycle  steel forgings  carbon footprint  emission factor standardization 

 Abstract: In order to follow the development trend of green and low-carbon transformation for forging enterprise, taking the actively level data of a forging enterprise in Dingxiang, Shanxi as a reference, and taking the “cradle-to-gate” of steel forgings from raw materials to products as the system boundary, the carbon footprint during the production period of 1 t steel forgings was calculated. The results show that the carbon footprint of life cycle for producing 1 t steel forgings is 1.14 tCO2e, of which the carbon footprint from purchasing electricity and natural gas accounts for 62%, and the carbon footprint from steel loss accounts for 30%. Based on the results of carbon footprint accounting, it is proposed that the emission reduction path of steel forging enterprises should focus on energy conservation and consumption reduction as the key and core, followed by improving the utilization rate and yield rate of raw materials to provide reference for achieving green and sustainable development of enterprises.

作者简介:杨广林(1986-),男,硕士,高级工程师 E-mail:guanglin990@126.com



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