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Title:Ultralow temperature deformationinducing strengthening mechanism of austenitic stainless steel
Authors: Cheng Wangjun1  Cui Dongdong1  Sun Yaoning1  Gulimire·Abulizi1  Liu Wei2 
Unit: (1. School of Mechanical Engineering  Xinjiang University  Urumqi 830017  China 2. National Key Laboratory for Precision Hot  Processing of Metals  Harbin Institute of Technology  Harbin 150001  China) 
KeyWords: ultra-low temperature  austenitic stainless steel  strengthening mechanism  martensitic transformation  dislocation slip 

 Abstract: Austenitic stainless steels has poor mechanical properties at room temperature, but its properties are significantly strengthened during deformation at ultra-low temperatures. Therefore, for the deformation-inducing strengthening characteristics of austenitic stainless steel at ultra-low temperatures, three deformation mechanisms, namely phase transition induced plasticity, twinning induced plasticity and dislocation slip, were reviewed and analyzed, and the influences of strain rate, pre-strain amount and deformation amount on the mechanical properties of stainless steel at ultra-low temperatures were elucidated. Then, the microstructure evolution of stainless steel during low temperature deformation process under different parameters was revealed, and the intrinsic relationships of dislocation slip, mechanical twinning and martensitic transformation with plastic deformation process were analyzed. Furthermore, the nucleation and evolution of ductile dimple at the fracture were clarified, and their impact on the ductility of stainless steel was explained. Finally, the phase transformation strengthening mechanism of stainless steel at low temperature was analyzed. By introducing the ultra-low temperature deformation-inducing strengthening mechanism of austenitic stainless steel from the macro and micro perspectives, a reference is provided for the safe service and high performance manufacturing of stainless steel under extreme working conditions.

基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目 (52365052);新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金资助项目 (2022D01C653);中国博士后科学基金面上资助项目 (2022M722666);哈尔滨工业大学横向项目(202207140009)
作者简介:程旺军(1987-),男,博士,副教授 E-mail:chengwangjun2008@126.com



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