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Title:Robust design on thermodynamic parameters for rotary wheel forging simulation of 04Cr13Ni5Mo super martensitic stainless steel

 In order to improve the prediction accuracy of temperature field and load field in the forging simulation of super martensitic stainless steel 04Cr13Ni5Mo rotary wheel, a robust design method for thermodynamic parameters of forging simulation was proposed. The influences of basic modeling parameters on the deviation of simulation results were analyzed, and billet-environment heat transfer coefficient h1 and billet-mold heat transfer coefficient h2 were determined as the main influencing factors. Then, the simulation model was established by using the finite element software Forge, and h1 and h2 were optimized and reverse calculated combining with the measured data of the 39 t rotary wheel. The modeling parameter combination improving the robustness of thermodynamic parameters were proposed. It was discovered that the deviation rate of simulated temperature field decreased from 9.9% to 3.6%, and the maximum load deviation rate decreased from 14.6% to 4.8% after optimizing the values of h1 and h2 by comparison. Finally, the three processes of upsetting, local (progressive) upsetting and punching for the 54 t rotary wheel were simulated. The results show that the deviation rate of the simulation temperature field and the maximum load deviation rate for each process are less than ±4% and ±7%, respectively compared with the actual situation, indicating that the robust design method for the forging simulation thermodynamic parameters has high reliability.

作者简介:孙统辉(1982-),男,博士研究生,高级工程师 E-mail:sunth2009@126.com 通信作者:陈慧琴 (1968-),女,博士,教授 E-mail:chenhuiqin@tyust.edu.cn

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