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Title:Die forging technology for cross shaft

 In order to solve the problem of lower material utilization rate for die forging of cross shaft, the stress and flowing characteristics of metal in two deformation modes of clamping and closed extrusion, and the difficulty degree of two deformation modes were analyzed. A process scheme with semi closed pre-forging and open final forging was proposed. During the semi closed pre-forging process, the material in the shaft journal area is subjected to composite forming of extrusion and upsetting. The blank with nearly same four axle journals is obtained. The die structure is relatively simple and easy to complement. The die forging process is simulated using Deform software, and the simulated results of pre-forging and final forging are consistent with theoretical analysis. The forging die is designed and manufactured. The process experiment is conducted successfully in die forging press, and the acceptable forgings are gotten. The flash metal is well-distributed along contour, and the material utilization rate is increased by 8% nearly. The feasibility and rationality of the scheme is verified.

作者简介:程俊伟(1973-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:hustcjw@163.com

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