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Title:Microstructure behavior of hot working in β phase zone of titanium alloy by powder metallurgy

 For titanium alloy powder metallurgy forging technology, the influences of single-phase forging and heat treatment on the microstructure and properties of powder metallurgy TC4 titanium alloy were studied. The results show that the grain structure of powder sintered TC4 titanium alloy is relatively small, with many pores and large angle grain boundaries. Under the condition of single-fire forging, there is no abnormal growth phenomenon in grain of TC4 titanium alloy after forging, and the deformation speed, whether fast or slow, indicating good controllability of grain size. After two-fire β forging of TC4 titanium alloy in powder state, the grain size increases significantly, and the grain size control is not obvious. The mechanical properties of single-fire and two-fire forging in single-phase zone meet the standard requirements. After heat treatment in β phase zone of TC4 titanium alloy powder forgings, no abnormal growth phenomenon is found, and the controllability of grain size is stronger.

作者简介:黄志涛(1982-),男,博士,高级工程师 E-mail:13910384324@163.com

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