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Title:Upsetting process and mechanical properties on alloy GH4169 bolt

 In order to study the upsetting process and mechanical properties of a certain model of alloy GH4169 bolt, the upsetting process of alloy GH4169 bolt with M30 mm×130 mm was numerically simulated by finite element simulation software Deform-3D, and the influences of different friction coefficients on forming loads, equivalent stress distribution of workpieces and stress distribution in the molds during forming process were analyzed. Then, based on the simulation results, corresponding mold structures were designed, and corresponding upsetting process experiments were conducted. Furthermore, the alloy GH4169 bolt forgings obtained from the experiment was performed subsequent process, and the influences of aging treatment and rolling wire process sequence on their microstructure and mechanical properties were analyzed. The research results indicate that the developed alloy GH4169 bolt upsetting process is feasible, the mold structure design is reasonable, and the manufacturing process of aging treatment before rolling wire processing during processing can reduce the grain size of the material and have good thread morphology. Its fatigue life is higher than that of bolts processed by rolling wire processing before aging treatment. Thus, the research results have practical guidance value for the upsetting process and subsequent processing methods of alloy GH4169 bolts.

作者简介:刘光辉(1989-),男,硕士,工程师 E-mail:liu0406gh@163.com 通信作者:孙红星(1975-),男,博士,研究员 E-mail:sunhx@zrime.com.cn

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