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Title:Forging strike energy experiment of front shaft based on 80 MN electric screw press

 For a domestic 80 MN electric screw press, the processes of roll forging, press-bending and final forging in the forging of a certain model of front axle were studied by finite element simulation software Deform-3D, the equivalent stress of billet after press-bending was analyzed, and the bending state after press-bending was determined so that it could be put into the final forging cavity smoothly. Then, the final forging process was numerically simulated by Screw Press module, and the energy distribution and the force-energy relationship in the front axle forging process were analyzed. Furthermore, the change curve of the final forging striking force was obtained, and the minimum forming energy required for the forging of the front axle under the final forging and closing state was obtained. Experimental results show that the striking force of final forging  is less than the maximum allowable force of the press, and when the set striking energy is 73% of the rated energy, it meets the requirements of the final forging design. Compared with the simulated 70% rated energy, the error is relatively small, indicating that the simulation results have good guiding significance for the experiment.

作者简介:赵嘉琦(1998-),男,硕士研究生 E-mail:1006576394@qq.com 通信作者:刘庆生(1979-),男,硕士,研究员 E-mail:13701091564@163.com

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