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Title:Conformal forming technology on special-shaped thin-walled flange

 In order to improve the production efficiency of special-shaped thin-walled flange products and achieve fast, efficient and precise production, the conformal forming method based on the continuous forging and rolling process of metal materials was proposed, and the preforming process of continuous forging and the precision forming process of continuous rolling were analyzed. Then, the blank die and the roller cavity die of the ring rolling mill were designed, and the hot forging blanking of the continuous casting blank was changed to the precise blanking of the outsourced square rectangular blank. Furthermore, after the blank was heated, the blank die was used for preforming during the continuous forging process, and the roller cavity die was used for high-precision forming during the continuous rolling of the ring rolling mill. Through trial production verification, continuous research and optimization of roller cavity size is conducted to determine suitable process parameters and production process, and the final qualification rate of product forgings reaches 98.82%, proving that the conformal forming method based on the continuous forging and rolling process of metal materials is mature and reliable. Thus, it provides effective technical support for the precise forming and efficient production of special-shaped thin-walled flanges. 

作者简介:梁启超(1986-),男,学士,高级工程师 E-mail:504085111@qq.com

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