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Title:Simulation study on formability of TA1/2A12 composite plates

 The bulging test of TA1/2A12 composite plates with different placement sequence was simulated by finite element software Dynaform. Then, the ultimate bulging height of TA1/2A12 composite plates, the distribution conditions of strain and thinning rate of each layer of plates were analyzed which were verified by bulging test. The simulation results show that when the titanium layer and aluminum layer are placed close to the punch, the ultimate bulging heights are 33.9 and 32.0 mm, respectively. The stress near the bottom of titanium layer hemisphere is high, and the strain along TD direction is larger. The stress on the aluminum layer is small and evenly distributed, so the ultimate strain is reached firstly at the position of titanium layer near the bottom of hemisphere. Under the bonding effect of composite plates, the strain on the corresponding position of aluminum layer increases until it breaks. The bulging tests show that when the titanium layer and the aluminum layer are respectively close to the position of punch, the ultimate bulging height is 35.7 and 33.6 mm, respectively, and the errors between finite element simulation and test in the ultimate bugling height are 5.3% and 5.0%, respectively. The simulation is in good agreement with the actual fracture situation, and the formability of titanium/aluminum composite plates can be accurately predicted by the established finite element model.

作者简介:高利涛(1998-),男,硕士研究生 E-mail:1450789083@qq.com 通信作者:韩建超(1989-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:hanjianchao@tyut.edu.cn

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