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Title:Forming process analysis and springback control of 6014 aluminum alloy tailgate outer plate

  The large springback amount of aluminum alloy make it difficult to control the springback of tailgate outer plate by the process parameter method. The mechanical property parameters of 6014 aluminum alloy were obtained by unidirectional tensile testing. Meanwhile, the rheological curve of the material was fitted based on the Ludwik formula, and the material card for the analysis of Autoform software was converted. After that, the forming simulation of the stamping parts was completed with the help of Autoform software, and the CAE forming simulation of the tailgate outer plate was carried out in the whole process. The causes of aluminum plate springback were analyzed, and the Autoform was used to predict and analyze the springback, and the die surface compensation technology was adopted to iteratively compensate the die surface of the forming process, so that the springback could be controlled within the tolerance range. The compensated forming process die surface was used for stamping trial-manufacture and the qualified stamped parts were produced.  

作者简介:彭金明(1990-),男,硕士研究生,工程师 E-mail:799877661@qq.com 通信作者:余海燕(1976-),女,博士,教授 E-mail:yuhaiyan@tongji.edu.cn

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