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Title:Near net forming technology on large special-shaped ring forgings of alloy GH4169

 The microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of large casing special-shaped ring forgings of alloy GH4169 were studied by near net forming forging process. The actual forgings size was scanned by 3D scanner. Then, under the condition that it was basically consistent with the actual forging process, the forming process of forgings was visualized by finite element analysis, and the problems existing in the forging process were determined. Furthermore, the forging process was optimized. The results show that the fine and uniform grain size is obtained by the near net forming forging process, the microstructure uniformity of ring forgings is better, the grain size distribution is between 7 and 8 grades, and the average grain size is 8 grades. At room temperature, the tensile strength is 1447 MPa, the yield strength is 1214 MPa, the elongation after fracture is 18.5%, and the section shrinkage is 39%. However, at the high temperature of 650 ℃, the tensile strength is 1180 MPa, the yield strength is 1030 MPa, the elongation after fracture is 32.5%, and the section shrinkage is 64%, showing the excellent comprehensive mechanical properties and meeting the acceptance requirements for the microstructure performance for a certain type of casing forgings of alloy GH4169.

作者简介:王松辉(1991-),男,博士,工程师 E-mail:wangsonghui91@126.com 通信作者:苏春民(1977-),男,学士,研高工 E-mail:suchunmin@126.com

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