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Title:Static analysis and secondary optimization on upper frame for steel wire cord cutting machine

 The force situation of the upper frame during the cutting process of the steel wire cord cutting machine was analyzed, and the static simulation was conducted. Then, it was found that the main reason for the burrs on the cut cord was that the excessive deformation amount in the z-axis direction of the cutting blade installation increased the cutting gap too much, resulting in burrs in the middle part of the cut cord, and the allowable deformation amount in the z-axis direction of the upper frame was determined to be 0.020 mm. Furthermore, the modal analysis was conducted on the upper frame to verify its vibration reliability, and the two-level optimization of topology optimization and size optimization was carried out on the upper frame to solve the problem of burrs. After the topology optimization and remodeling, sensitivity analysis was conducted on its various dimensions, and five dimensions that had a significant impact on the quality and z-axis deformation amount of the cutting blade installation were selected for optimization design. The results show that the maximum deformation amount in the z-axis direction of the cutting blade installation is reduced by 28.53%, the maximum equivalent stress is reduced by 59.81%, and the weight is reduced by 167 kg, which improves the occurrence of burrs on the cord.

作者简介:赵子瑞(1999-),男,硕士研究生 E-mail:2720334595@qq.com 通信作者:欧哲学(1969-),男,硕士,高级工程师 E-mail:ouzhexue888@163.com

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