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Title:Design on multi-axis linkage press structure and control system for complex automotive components

 For complex components such as the steering nut of recirculating ball steering gear in automobiles, the traditional manufacturing process has problems such as low material utilization, long production cycle, high production cost and low comprehensive mechanical properties of product. Therefore, in response to the above issues, a multi-axis linkage forming process for steering nuts was proposed, which was simulated by finite element simulation software Deform-3D, and the load of main moving molds and the stress field distribution of molds were obtained. Then, based on the simulation results, a multi-axis linkage forming press structure was designed, and the modal analysis of the multi-axis linkage press body was carried out by finite element analysis software ANSYS Workbench. Finally, the hydraulic control system and electrical control system of the multi-axis linkage press were designed according to the sequence of the multi-axis linkage forming process. Thus, this multi-axis linkage press not only provides guidance for the actual production of complex automotive components, but also can be applied to the multi-axis linkage forming of other complex components.

作者简介:周苗苗(1990-),女,硕士,讲师 E-mail:zmm20240323@163.com

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