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Title:Life extension measures based on failure causes of hot forging die for ring clamp plate

 Cracks appear during the use of a hot forging die for H13 steel ring clamp plate, which leads to early failure. Therefore, by analyzing the causes of die failure, the heat treatment test for H13 steel and the comparative study of cold and hot fatigue tests between NOS525 steel and H13 steel were designed and carried out, and the measures to extend the life of die were analyzed and discussed. The results show that the optimal heat treatment process scheme for obtaining better mechanical properties of H13 steel is quenching at 1060 ℃ and tempering twice at 560 ℃. The crack length of H13 steel reaches 100 μm after 350 cycles, while the crack length of NOS525 steel only reaches 100 μm after 500 cycles. Moreover, during the cycling process, the surface hardness of NOS525 steel is always higher than that of H13 steel. Therefore, NOS525 steel has stronger ability to suppress crack initiation and propagation, and has better resistance to thermal fatigue and tempering stability. It is believed that NOS525 steel can be used instead of H13 steel as the material for ring clamp plate hot forging die. 

作者简介:张厂育(1974-),男,学士,高级工程师 E-mail:276304450@qq.com

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