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Title:Hot deformation behavior and hot working diagram of 23MnNiMoCr54 alloy steel for chain ring

 The single pass hot compression experiment was carried out on Gleeble-3500 testing machine to analyze the influence of deformation temperature and strain rate on the hot deformation behavior and microstructure evolution laws of 23MnNiMoCr54 alloy steel. The strain-dependent thermal deformation constitutive equation was established. On this basis, the thermal processing map was drawn to determine the best processing range. The results indicate that the hot deformation behavior of 23MnNiMoCr54 alloy steel has unimodal “dynamic recrystallization” characteristics. The flow stress of 23MnNiMoCr54 alloy steel decreases with the increasing of deformation temperature and the decreasing of strain rate during hot compression. The dynamic recrystallized grains and deformed grains grow at higher deformation temperatures or lower strain rates. The established thermal working diagram shows that the larger rheological instability exists at lower deformation temperature and higher strain rate, and the rheological instability phenomenon is easily to occur. The optimal process parameters of 23MnNiMoCr54 alloy steel in hot processing are the deformation temperature of 1150-1250 ℃ and the stain rate of 0.01-0.1 s-1.

作者简介:邢兵辉(1997-),男,博士研究生 E-mail:xbh1914861617@163.com 通信作者:黄 亮(1981-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:huangliang@hust.edu.cn

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