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Title:Analysis on fracture failure model of hot-formed steel based on three-point bending for vehicle door anti-collision beam

 The fracture failure characterization model of HS1300 hot-formed steel was studied. Based on the GISSMO fracture failure criterion, five different failure test specimens were designed to obtain the ultimate plastic strain. The Voce++ and Hockett-Sherby combined hardening model was used to fit the mechanical curve of material. The fracture test simulation model was built, and the minimum error of force-displacement curve was taken as the goal to obtain the optimal weight coefficient in the hardening model. The stress triaxiality in the fracture zone of each specimen was extracted in the optimal simulation model. Based on the GISSMO failure criterion, the key parameters were obtained, and the failure model curve was obtained by fitting. The constraint condition of the vehicle door anti-collision beam was simulated, and the three-point bending loading test was carried out. The simulation analysis model was built based on HyperMesh. The bearing force-displacement curves of the test and simulation process were extracted, and the failure modes were compared to verify the reliability of the simulation material model. The results show that the material has high strength and obvious strain rate enhancement effect. When the optimal adjustment coefficient of the combined hardening model is 0.684, the error of the key parameters is the smallest, not exceeding 4%. The maximum error of the key parameters between the three-point bending test and simulation analysis is 5.12%. The error of the maximum load and the displacement corresponding the maximum load are not more than 2%. The form and position of parts failure are also basically the same. It can be seen that the material fracture failure model has high characterization accuracy.

作者简介:张宝青(1979-),男,工学学士,讲师 E-mail:zjwaxzs@163.com

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