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Title:Influence of multi-directional forging on thermal fatigue property and high-temperature oxidation resistance for H13 die steel
Authors: Cao Yuan1 Li Qiangjun2 
Unit: 1. School of Automotive and Aviation Engineering  Henan Polytechnic Institute  2. College of Materials  Henan University 
KeyWords: multi-directional forging forging pass H13 die steel thermal fatigue property high-temperature oxidation resistance 

Multi-directional forging is an effective way to modify metal materials. Therefore, in order to investigate the influence laws of multi-directional forging on the thermal fatigue property and high-temperature oxidation resistance for H13 die steel, the H13 die steel samples were subjected to multi-directional forging by different forging passes, and the thermal fatigue tests were conducted 1000 times with heating at 650 ℃ and cooling at -20 ℃ cycles, as well as the high-temperature oxidation tests were also conducted with insulation at 600 ℃ for 100 hours. Finally, the microstructure inside the samples was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The research shows that compared with before multi-directional forging, the multi-directional forging with two passes upgrades the thermal fatigue level of H13 die steel samples from level 9 to level 4, and the mass gain per unit area decreases from 121 mg·mm-2 to 63 mg·mm-2, representing a reduction of 47.93% compared to the state before multi-directional forging. Multi-directional forging refines the carbide size inside H13 die steel specimens, improves the uniformity of carbide distribution, and significantly enhances the thermal fatigue property and high-temperature oxidation resistance of H13 die steel samples. However, the thermal fatigue property and high-temperature oxidation resistance of H13 die steel samples do not continue to significantly improve with the further increasing of multi-directional forging passes.


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