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Title:Effect of strain distribution on microstructure and properties of TC21 titanium alloy
Authors: Wang Xiaowei1  Dong Yu2  Duan Xianglai3  Li Dongkuan1  Cai Sen1  Wang Deyong1  Ao Kun3  Che Anda3 
Unit: 1. Shenyang Aircraft Corporation 2.The First Military Representative Office of Air Equipment in Shenyang 3. Jiangxi Jinghang Aviation Forging & Casting Co. Ltd. 
KeyWords: TC21 titanium alloy  quasi-β forging  integral forming  stepwise forming  microstructure  mechanical properties 

In order to study the effect of forging strain distribution on the microstructure and properties of TC21 titanium alloy, the distribution and evolution laws of strain and temperature fields during the integral forming and stepwise forming processes were simulated and analyzed by using the DEFORM-3D finite element software, which was then verified through process experiments. The results show that during the integral forming process, there is a significant temperature rise in the center of forgings, and the strain in the center is much greater than that at the edges. During the stepwise forming process, the strain distribution is more uniform, but the forging time is longer and the temperature of forgings drops significantly. After the integral forming,the range of tensile properties is significantly large,moreover,due to the temperature rise in the center of forgings and the lower deformation at the surface, there is a grain boundary α phase both in the center and on the surface of forgings, resulting in lower plasticity. After the stepwise forming, the overall properties of forgings are more uniform,and the plasticity is improved. The research results indicate that the stepwise forming method is more conducive to the uniformity of the microstructure and properties of TC21 titanium alloy.




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