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Title:Optimization of stamping process for sharp side wall taillight
Authors: Chen Shaohan Deng Guoyong You Binbo Li Mengyao Wu Zhibing Deng Guochao 
Unit: GAC Automotive Research & Development Center 
KeyWords: side wall outer panel stamping process CAE analysis crack wrinkle 

For the sharp styling requirements and product structure characteristics of taillight area on the automobile side wall outer panel, a product process scheme was formulated. Then, a CAE analysis model was created, and SE synchronous simulation analysis was conducted by software AutoForm. The results show that the sharpness of taillight styling increases the difficulty of forming the side wall sheet metal, which is prone to the problems of sharp angle cracking and fillet wrinkling. The causes of cracking and wrinkling were analyzed, and it is found that the fillet size at the corners, the side wall draft angle and  the flanging depth are the main factors that causes cracking and wrinkling of parts. After multiple rounds of product optimization,the reasonable process parameters such as fillet size, side wall draft angle and flanging depth are finally determined to solve the cracking and wrinkling problems. At the same time, it meets the sharp styling requirements of taillight and improves the sophistication of product. The on-site debugging results are consistent with the previous CAE analysis, which significantly reduces the risk of forming defects in the part.


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