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Title:Cold extrusion forming process for brush box of thin-walled part with special-shaped hole in aviation motor
Authors: Yuan Yuhong1 Liu Zhan1 Wu Taibin2 Jin Junsong3 
Unit: 1. School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Guizhou Normal University 2. School of Materials Science and Engineering Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences 3. School of Materials Science and Engineering Huazhong University of Science and Technology 
KeyWords: thin-walled and special-shaped hole cold extrusion metal flow characteristics maximum principal stress damage value 

For the characteristics of uneven wall thickness and high symmetry of thin-walled and special-shaped hole in the brush box of aviation DC motors, the cold extrusion process scheme was designed. Then, the composite extrusion process of special-shaped holes was simulated by the simulation analysis software Deform-3D, and the flow characteristics of  deformed metal and the maximum principal stress states in the three deformation zones as well as the damage values were analyzed. Furthermore, 

combined with orthogonal experiment, taking the diameters of preformed blank hole and front end of punch as the influence factors, the orthogonal experiment scheme of two factors and three levels was designed, and the forming of special-shaped hole was analyzed. 
The results of range analysis show that the optimal process parameter combination is that the diameter of preformed blank hole is Φ5.5 mm and the front end diameter of punch is Φ5.0 mm,under this condition, the damage value of transition circular arc surface between circular and rectangular holes is the smallest, and the cracking tendency of  thin-walled hole is the smallest. 
The process experiments are conducted on the hydraulic press, and the forming quality of extrusion part is good and meets the design requirements.



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