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Title:Influence of hot rolling curling temperatures on microstructure and texture of Al-Mg-Si alloy
Authors: Sun Ning1 2 Yu Hong1 Yang Limin1 Li Tao1 Xu Zhiyuan1 Li Xinghui1 Wang Jingtao1 2 
Unit: 1.National Engineering Research Center for Plastic Working of Aluminium Alloys  Shandong Nanshan Aluminium Co. Ltd. 2.School of Materials Science and Engineering Yantai Nanshan University 
KeyWords: Al-Mg-Si alloy hot rolling curling temperature microstructure texture deep drawing performance 

The influences of different hot rolling curling temperatures on the microstructure and texture of Al-Mg-Si alloy were systematically studied by analytical methods such as optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD). The results show that with the increasing of hot rolling curling temperature, the grain size of hot rolled sheet becomes smaller, and the degree of recrystallization becomes higher. The content and size of Al(Fe,Mn)Si phase in the hot rolled sheet matrix are not significantly affected by the hot rolling curling temperature, but the size of surface phase is lower than that in the core, and Mg2Si phase gradually coarsens and grows with the increasing of hot rolling curling temperature. The recrystallization textures such as Cube and CubeND in the hot rolled sheet increase with the increasing of hot rolling curling temperature, and the volume fraction of surface recrystallization texture is significantly higher than that in the core. In addition, the hot rolling curling temperature has little effect on the mechanical properties of the sheet, and the coarse dispersed phase precipitated from the sheet with high hot rolling curling temperature is beneficial for improving its deep drawing performance.


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