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Title:Dynamic calculation and analysis comparison of swing force for mechanical press mechanism before and after partial balancing
Authors: Kong Xiangchao1 Shen Huiping1 Li Xia1 Zhang Qinglin2 Jiang Xiuhua2 Si Daqiang2 You Jiaqi2 Yu Yongtao2 
Unit: 1.Research Center of Advanced Mechanism Changzhou University 2.Jiangsu Xingduan Intelligent Equipment Technology Co. Ltd. 
KeyWords: press partial balancing of swing force kinematics dynamics driving moment kinematic pairs 

The calculation and comparative analysis on  the dynamic performance of planar six-bar mechanism for mechanical press after partial balancing of swing force were conducted to verify the advantages of partial balancing of swing force. Firstly, the displacement, velocity and acceleration curves of the mechanism were analyzed by vector method, then the dynamics equation of the mechanism was established by Newton-Euler method to obtain the theoretical calculation formulas for driving torque and constraint reaction force in the kinematic pair of the mechanism. Finally, the changes in driving torque and constraint reaction force in the kinematic pair caused by the changes in component mass and center of mass before and after partial balancing of swing force for the mechanism were programmed and calculated separately. The results show that the maximum fluctuation of  crankshaft driving torque is reduced by 1.8713%, while the maximum fluctuations of the constraint reaction force at the crankshaft support in the x and y directions are 2.5013% and 4.0707%, respectively. The constraint reaction forces in other kinematic pairs remained almost unchanged, thus verifying the effectiveness and advantages of the optimization on the partial balancing of swing force for the mechanical press mechanism.


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