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Title:Feedback control on main resonance time-lag of coupled vibration system under influence of roller eccentricity
Authors: Zhang Ruicheng Zhao Wenbin Liang Weizheng 
Unit: College of Electrical Engineering  North China University of Science and Technology 
KeyWords: coupled vibration roller eccentricity amplitude-frequency characteristics time-lag feedback control bifurcation 

Considering the effects of roller eccentricity and nonlinear friction forces at the rolling interface, the dynamics model of vertical-horizontal coupled nonlinear vibration for the rolling mill was established. Firstly, the amplitude-frequency characteristic equations of the main resonance under the influence of roller eccentricity force were solved by the multi-scale method, and the influences of linear and nonlinear damping, nonlinear stiffness and roller eccentricity force changes on the system were analyzed. Furthermore, the bifurcation characteristics of the system under the main resonance were explored by using the singularity theory, and the transition set of the system and the topology structure under different open-folding parameters were obtained. Finally, a time-lag feedback controller with the combination of linear and nonlinear effects was designed to control the main resonance, and the feasibility of the controller design was verified by numerical simulation. The research results show that the designed controller can effectively control the influence of roller eccentricity on the main resonance of the coupled system.


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