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Title:Design and application on shared decoiling-blanking die for automobile rear side door inner panel based on CAE simulation
Authors: Xue Yinyin1 Peng Jinming1 2 Peng Wentao1 Tao Li1 
Unit: 1. Jiangling Motors Co. Ltd. 2. College of Automotive Engineering Tongji University 
KeyWords: stamping rear side door inner panel decoiling-blanking die floating cutter flexible 

Based on finite element analysis software Autoform,the stamping formability analysis on the rear side door inner panel of two different SUV vehicle models was conducted, and after the integration and optimization of the plate line at the wheel hub area, the coincidence of edge lines of the raw materials for the rear side door inner panel of two vehicle models was realized, and simultaneously considering the formability performance indicators of both products. Then, the raw materials for the two rear side door inner panels obtained from CAE analysis were arranged, and the design of the decoiling-blanking die was conducted. Furthermore, through the flexible and innovative design of die positioning, the material dropping work for the rear side door inner panel of two vehicle models was realized by switching positioning with a set of decoiling-blanking die. The results show that the structural design adopts advanced floating cutter, greatly reducing the die size. The final manufactured die is successfully applied in the actual production, reducing the die development cost in new projects, shortening the development and manufacturing cycle, and improving the production efficiency.




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