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Title:Influence of heat treatment process on microstructure and properties of hot extrusion pipe for TA15 titanium alloy
Authors: Ren Weining1 2 Li Xusheng1 2 Cui Wenjun1 2 Luo Dengchao1 2 Su Songlin1 2 
Unit: 1.Western Titanium Technologies Co. Ltd. 2.National and Local Joint Engineering Research Center for Titanium Alloy Processing Technology 
KeyWords: TA15 titanium alloy heat treatment process recrystallization primary α phase secondary layer α phase 

The influences of heat treatment process on the microstructure and properties of large-size TA15 titanium alloy hot extrusion pipe in two-phase zone at 650-850 ℃ were studied. The results of microstructure study show that when annealed at 650-750 ℃, only partially recrystallizes occurs in the microstructure of TA15 titanium alloy hot extrusion pipe,and with the increasing of annealing temperature, the recrystallization degree is enhanced, the grain is refined, and the grain equiaxed degree is enhanced. When annealed at 800-850 ℃, the microstructure is completely recrystallized,and with the increasing of annealing temperature, the proportion of primary α phase decreases, and the crushed primary α phase is further recrystallized and equiaxed. At the same time, the secondary layer α phase gradually precipitates and coarsens. When the annealing temperature rises to 850 ℃, the secondary layer α phase coarsens significantly. The results of mechanical properties show that when annealed at 650-850 ℃, the tensile strength and specified non-proportional elongation strength first decrease and then increase with the increasing of annealing temperature, and peak at 850 ℃. The elongation at break and the cross-sectional shrinkage first increase and then decrease with the increasing of temperature, and peak at 700 ℃. The impact performance decreases with the increasing of annealing temperature.




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