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Title:Compression hot deformation behavior and critical damage value for alloy GH4169
Authors: Liu Guanghui1  Sun Hongxing1 2  Zheng Xiaolei3  Wang Longfei3  Cai Zongchao3  Kang Genfa4  Qin Dandan4  Liu Hua1 
Unit: 1. China Academy of Machinery Zhengzhou Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering Co.  Ltd. 2.School of Mechanical Engineering Xi′an Jiaotong University 3. Henan Pinggao Electric Co.  Ltd. 4. Henan Aerospace Precision Manufacturing Co.  Ltd. 
KeyWords: alloy GH4169 hot deformation behavior hot working diagram critical damage value Arrhenius constitutive equation 

For the problems of high deformation resistance, narrow forging temperature range and easy occurrence of forging cracks during the forging process of alloy GH4169, the hot deformation behavior and critical damage value were studied. Through a single pass hot compression experiment,the true stress-true strain curves of alloy GH4169 under different deformation conditions were obtained,and the Arrhenius constitutive equation was obtained by linear fitting. Based on the experimental data, the compression  hot deformation of alloy GH4169 was simulated, and according to the simulation results, the maximum damage value during the hot deformation process of alloy GH4169 was analyzed to obtain the critical damage value. The research results indicate that when the deformation temperature is constant, the true stress of alloy GH4169 is positively correlated with the strain rate, and when the strain rate is constant, the true stress of alloy GH4169 is negatively correlated with the deformation temperature. The critical damage value of alloy GH4169 during the compression hot deformation process fluctuates within a certain range under different deformation conditions, and the critical damage value is sensitive to the strain rate. When the deformation temperature remains constant, the critical damage value gradually increases with the increasing of strain rate. The research results have certain guiding significance for the forging process formulation and crack prediction of alloy GH4169. 


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