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Title:Microstructure and properties of 6063-0.3V aluminum alloy in forging state
Authors: Guo Zhengxuan1 Li Ziliang2 
Unit: 1.College of Architecture and Design Shanxi Vocational University of Engineering Science and Technology 2.School of Material Science and Engineering Hebei University of Science and Technology 
KeyWords: 6063-0.3V aluminum alloy microstructure mechanical property wear resistance refined grains forging treatment 

The forging test of 6063-0.3V aluminum alloy for construction was carried out by using a forging process of pre-pressing first and then main pressing, and a comparative analysis was carried out on the microstructure, mechanical properties and wear resistance of the alloy before forging. The results show that the forging treatment refines the internal grains of 6063-0.3V aluminum alloy and improves its mechanical and wear resistance properties. Under the forging process parameters of the initial forging temperature of 470 ℃, the final forging temperature of 360 ℃, the deformation amount in the pre-pressing stage of 2%, the deformation amount in the main pressing stage of 10%, the forging speed of 50 mm·min-1 and the die pre-heating temperature of 280 ℃, a 6063-0.3V aluminum alloy for construction in forging state with fine and uniform microstructure, good mechanical properties and wear resistance is obtained. Its average grain size is 14 μm, tensile strength is 278 MPa, yield strength is 234 MPa, elongation at break is 9.2% and the wear volume after 30 minutes of wear is only 18.4×10-3 mm3. The research indicates that the forging treatment is an effective way to obtain 6063-0.3V aluminum alloy for construction with better comprehensive performance.

作者简介:郭正烜(1981-),男,硕士,讲师 ,E-mail:sxjygzx@126.com



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