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Title:Intelligent driven design method for injection molding process of small module gear
Authors: Kong Yan1 Zhang Xilei1 Zhang Guangyan2 Zhang Zhibing1 Liu Yuqi1 
Unit: 1. State Key Laboratory for Material Processing and Die & Mould Technology  Huazhong University of Science and Technology 2. Zhongshan City B Gear Technology Co. Ltd. 
KeyWords: small module gear injection molding feature recognition intelligent retrieval knowledge driven 

The injection molding of small module gear requires high precision and strict process control, and the current process design mainly relies on the experience of designers, which significantly affects the development cycles and forming quality of product. Regarding this issue, an intelligent driven design method for the injection molding process of small module gear was proposed, and based on the defined gear partition templates, the gear was digitized by creating cross-sectional lines and utilizing an automatic recognition algorithm. Then, a knowledge base refined to the level of parts was constructed in which to search the similar gear parts. Furthermore, based on the mature processes of similar parts and the knowledge at the level of parts, the forming process for new parts was driven and designed to realize the knowledge reuse and knowledge driven. Finally, an intelligent design system for the injection molding process of small module gear was realized on the NX platform, which was applied in two injection molding product manufacturing enterprises. Case analysis and industrial applications show that the system is effective, with an increase of over 97% in the recognition and retrieval efficiency and a reduction of 66% in the number of die trials.


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