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Title:Research necessity and technical summary on industry standard JB/T 14452—2023 compiling requirement of process rating of material consumption for steel cross wedge rolling
Authors: Chen Lin1 2  Zhang Jungai1 2  Wei Wei3  Du Huikun1  Jin Hong3  Li Panpan1  Shi Xiaomeng1  Cui Songsong1  Zhang Yuhong1 
Unit: 1. Handan Fengchi Precision Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 2. Hebei Cross Wedge Rolling and Rolling Forging Composite Technology Innovation Center 3. China Academy of Machinery Beijing Research Institute of Mechanical & Electrical Technology Co. Ltd. 
KeyWords: steel cross wedge rolling part process rating of material consumption composition of material consumption compiling method industry standard 

 In order to promote the standardized development of the domestic cross wedge rolling industry and enhance China′s discourse in the international arena, referring to relevant regulations, combined with cross wedge rolling production and manufacturing level in China, technical capabilities, equipment types and development status, based on theoretical research and practical data verification, the industry standard JB/T 14452—2023 "Compiling requirement of process rating of material consumption for steel cross wedge rolling" was formulated, which specified the compilation method and detailed table of material consumption process rating for steel cross wedge rolling, including the composition of cross wedge rolling material consumption, principle of compilation, basic materials and data for the compilation of material consumption rating, calculation of material consumption rating, and detailed table of material consumption process rating. And the standard was piloted among manufacturing and using enterprise of cross wedge rolling,and positive feedback on its application effectiveness was received.




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Lin L F, Wang B Y, Guo W, et al. Modeling and analysis of central damage of cross wedge rolling railway axles based on hybrid damage criterion [J/OL]. Journal of Mechanical Engineering,1-12[2024-08-15].http://kns.cnki.net/kcms/detail/11.2187.





Zhang J G,Chen L,Li P P. Defects and its solutions to EV motor shafts made in cross wedge rolling with a small rate of reduction [J].Forging & Metalforming,2023(17):20-24.




Shu X D, Chen X G, Lian Q J,et al. A study on the integrated forming mechanism of cross-wedge rolling gear shaft and tooth [J]. Journal of Harbin Engineering University,2024,45(9):1800-1809. 


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