英文标题:Modification and application on frequency conversion system in manipulator of roll forging machine
作者:朱明亮  丁宵月  张中琳  郑忱 
关键词:变频器 变频电机  编码器 机械手 辊锻机 驱动方式 
In order to improve the operating accuracy and efficiency of the old roll forging machine manipulator, the hydraulic driving mode of the longitudinal movement for manipulator was changed to the frequency conversion speed control driving mode, and the composition and functional characteristics of frequency conversion system used in modification were highlighted. Then, in the hardware design, it was necessary to pay attention to maintain the stability of converter signal and eliminate interference to the surrounding signals when the system was built, and in the software design, the meanings of several important parameters were given and the PLC ladder diagram was written. After the modification of the whole system, the actual operation was smooth, the load test was passed, and the component parameters of frequency conversion system were normal. This modification shows that the frequency conversion system not only simplifies its hardware construction, but also improves the operating accuracy of equipment and reduces the maintenance cost. Thus, the modified system makes the manipulator move more efficiently and meets the needs of equipment to be flexible and scalable in the current automation control.
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