英文标题:Electromagnetic flanging of aging aluminum alloy based on multi-field coupling simulation
作者:王紫旻 赵淘 马伯洋 罗益民 李晓龙 于海平 
单位:上海航天精密机械研究所 哈尔滨工业大学 
关键词:电磁翻孔成形 2219铝合金 贴模间隙 减薄率 多场耦合仿真 
针对T6态2219铝合金壳体电磁翻孔成形,基于ANSYS/LSDYNA建立了电磁场-结构场耦合模型,通过数值模拟分析了电磁翻孔过程中板材的变形规律,研究了放电电压、预制孔直径对不同成形区域的贴模间隙和减薄率的影响。结果表明:电磁翻孔过程中产生的材料径向应变有利于抑制孔壁减薄;随着放电电压的增大,孔壁贴模间隙显著减小,但凹模圆角处的贴模间隙以及材料最大减薄率增加;随着预制孔直径的增大,孔壁贴模间隙有所减小,凹模圆角处的贴模间隙以及材料最大减薄率小幅增加。通过试验验证了模拟结果,确定放电电压和预制孔直径分别为12.75 kV和Φ99 mm时,可以得到翻边高度不小于27 mm的Φ120 mm的法向翻孔。 


For the electromagnetic flanging of 2219 aluminum alloy shell in T6 state, a coupling model of electromagnetic field and structural field was established based on ANSYS/LS-DYNA. Then, the deformation rules of plate during the electromagnetic flanging process was analyzed by numerical simulation, and the influences of discharge voltage and preformed hole diameter on the die clearance and thinning rate in different forming areas were studied. The result shows that in the electromagnetic flanging process, the radial strain of material is beneficial to restrain the thinning of hole wall. With the increasing of discharge voltage, the die clearance of hole wall decreases significantly, but both the die clearance at the die fillet and the maximum thinning rate of material increase. With the increasing of preformed hole diameter, the die clearance of hole wall decreases, and the die clearance at the die fillet and the maximum thinning rate of material increase slightly. The simulation results are verified by the test, and when the discharge voltage and the preformed hole diameter are determined to be 12.75 kV and Φ99 mm, respectively, a normal flanging hole of Φ120 mm with a flanging height of not less than 27 mm can be obtained. 


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