英文标题:Construction and application on virtual simulation experimental platform for sheet metal
作者:卢广华 倪雁冰 范胜波 李丽琴 
单位:天津大学 机械工程学院 
关键词:钣金加工 工程训练 实践教学 虚拟仿真 虚实结合 



 For the problem that the teaching of sheet metal module in engineering training in universities and colleges was restricted by objective conditions and fixed modes, a virtual simulation experimental teaching platform for sheet metal was designed and launched by the Practice Teaching Center of Tianjin University, and the students could achieve single-person, single-machine and fully immersive experience for the sheet metal product processing in the virtual workshop. Then, the experiment was designed as an architecture with two modes and six modules that integrated engineering drawings, process route, safety education, part processing and product manufacturing, and a full-process assessment and evaluation mechanism was matched at the same time. Furthermore, the project-driven teaching based on creative product design and production was carried out by combining it with offline practice operations, and it combined the virtual with the actual and used the virtual to promote the actual, effectively cultivating the engineering practice ability and innovation ability of students. The results show that since the platform is opened to the public, it has been continuously used in sheet metal practical teaching, supported a number of research projects, and served the overall situation of the new engineering construction of country.

作者简介:卢广华(1988-),男,硕士,工程师 通信作者:倪雁冰(1964-),男,博士,教授 E-mail:

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