英文标题:Forming process optimization and die design of A-pillar inner panel based on CAD/CAE
关键词:A柱内板 冲压成形 最大减薄率 最大增厚率 压边力 冲压速度 模具间隙 

为解决轿车A柱内板冲压成形开裂、起皱和变形不对称等问题,分析了轿车A柱内板的结构特点,采用“一模两件”的工艺设计方案解决单个零件变形不对称问题,设计了拉延成形、修边-冲孔、翻边-修边-侧冲孔和侧冲孔-切断的全工序冲压方案。并采用数值模拟方法,从材料厚度最大减薄率和最大增厚率两个方面探究了压边力、冲压速度和模具间隙对零件成形质量的影响规律,得到了压边力为350~400 kN、冲压速度在2000 mm·s-1以内、模具间隙为1.61~1.54 mm时成形效果较好。运用正交试验方法,计算出各因素各水平的材料厚度最大减薄率平均值,得到了压边力因素的极差为0.776、冲压速度因素的极差为1.259、模具间隙因素的极差为0.247,确定了压边力为350 kN、冲压速度为1500 mm·s-1、模具间隙为1.54 mm的最优工艺参数组合。最后,基于工艺设计设计了成形模具,并采用最优工艺参数进行了试模生产,零件未产生开裂、起皱等缺陷,验证了模拟计算的可靠性。

In order to solve the problems of cracking, wrinkling and asymmetry deformation in the stamping of A-pillar inner panel for car, firstly, the structure characteristics of the A-pillar inner panel for car was analyzed, the problem of asymmetry deformation for a single part was solved by the process design scheme of “one die and two pieces”, and the whole process scheme of stamping including drawing, trimming-punching, flanging-trimming-side punching and side punching-cutting was designed. Secondly, from two aspects of the maximum thinning rate and the maximum thickening rate of material thickness, the influence laws of blank holder force, stamping speed and die clearance on the forming quality of parts were explored by numerical simulation method, the results show that the forming effect is better when the blank holder force is 350-400 kN, the stamping speed is within 2000 mm·s-1, and the die clearance is 1.61-1.54 mm. Furthermore, the average values of the maximum thinning rate for material thickness of each factor and each level were calculated by the orthogonal test method, and the ranges of the blank holder force factor, stamping speed factor and die clearance factor were obtained as 0.776, 1.259 and 0.247, respectively. The optimal process parameters combination were determined with the blank holder force of 350 kN, the stamping speed of 1500 mm·s-1 and the die clearance of 1.54 mm. Finally, the forming die was designed based on the process design, and the trial production was conducted using the optimum process parameters. The results show that there are no defects such as cracking and wrinkling, and the reliability of the simulation calculation is verified. 



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