英文标题:Springback prediction of aluminum alloy profile based on deep learning neural network
作者:王鹏鹏1 程子詹1 凌强1 刘宇1 王春举1 吴子彬2 长海博文2 3 
单位:1. 苏州大学 机电工程学院 2. 苏州大学 高性能金属结构材料研究院 3. 魏桥轻量化(苏州)科技有限公司 
关键词:铝合金型材 回弹预测 深度学习 人工神经网络 Keras MySQL 

 铝合金型材在各个领域均具有广泛的应用,为解决了6061铝合金方管在生产与加工过程中出现的回弹问题,构建了以Python语言作为开发环境、Keras作为深度学习框架的ANN(Artificial Neural Network)算法,使用包含两个隐藏层的4层全连接神经网络模型进行数据训练。算法后端的数据库内容通过弯曲回弹试验获得,采用结构化的MySQL关系型数据库系统存取和管理试验所得的198条弯曲回弹数据记录。最后,通过足量的模型训练与实际预测可得,该算法的角度回弹预测均方误差MSE的平均值为0.044、曲率回弹预测平均绝对百分比误差MAPE的平均值为4.255。算法训练和比较验证的结果表明,该回弹预测系统具有满足误差要求的预测精度,其预测结果可为铝合金型材的弯曲回弹与补偿提供有效参考。

 Aluminum alloy profiles are widely used in various fields, in order to solve the springback problem in the production and processing of 6061 aluminum alloy square tubes, an artificial neural network (ANN) algorithm was established by using Python as the development environment and Keras as the deep learning framework, and the data training was conducted by using a four-layer fully connected neural network model with two hidden layers. Then, the backend database content for the algorithm was derived by bending springback tests, and the 198 bending springback data records obtained from these tests were stored and managed by using a structured MySQL relational database system. Finally, through sufficient model training and actual prediction, the average value of a mean squared error (MSE) of angle springback prediction for this algorithm was 0.044, and the average of a mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) of curvature springback prediction for this algorithm was 4.255. The results of algorithm training and comparative validation show that this springback prediction system achieves the requisite accuracy of error requirement, which provides an effective reference for the bending springback and compensation of aluminum alloy profiles.

作者简介:王鹏鹏(2001-),男,硕士研究生 通信作者:王春举(1978-),男,博士,教授

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